RPMGlobal has released its next generation mine scheduling solution, RPM MinePlanner.
Built on the foundation of XPAC, the scheduling engine that has been continually refined for over forty years and is used globally across virtually every commodity and mining method. The new RPM MinePlanner combines all of those mining methods and commodity types into one single enterprise package and includes a complete core redesign of the scheduling engine that underpins the product.
The release introduces Smart Scheduling, a heuristic-based scheduling engine that combines automated, manual and hybrid approaches and tools that provides a streamlined user experience and adds flexibility by eliminating restrictions on the scheduling methodology being used at any point of the schedule.
David Batkin, RPMGlobal’s Executive General Manager of Product Strategy said the design team was tasked with simplifying the product without compromising sophistication and capabilities. “RPM MinePlanner takes the complicated mine planning process and simplifies it so engineers can focus on generating value. The team has provided more sophistication within the product while making it easier to use”.
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