Modular Electric Pump Packages

Pioneer Pump launched the ElectricPAK, modular, electric pump packages that help users get a pump and motor onsite quickly and efficiently. The packages have been engineered to offer a more streamlined experience for both owners and operators, the company said. Each assembly includes a high-performance pump and electric motor that provides better flow, higher head, and greater efficiency. The design also features a rigid motor stool that keeps the pump and motor permanently aligned.

Each system can also be disassembled quickly and simply, for reduced service and maintenance hours. Using an online specification selection tool, customers can choose from a range of motors, and either a stationary base or drag skid.

The offering can be a game changer for urgent projects, the company said. “Our new ElectricPAK is faster to quote and source because it is built from modular, standard parts,” the company said.

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Categories: Pumps 

2022-06-17 | Pioneer Pump | United States | Views 495