Test Shows Spiral Increases Recoveries

Multotec reported it developed and successfully tested the Multotec SC25 spiral concentrator, which eliminates beaching and enhances recoveries in the 1-mm to 3-mm fractions of high density material. The company described the spiral as a “game changer” in the recovery of the minus-1-mm fraction in ferrochrome slag.

In testing, the spiral, which features steeper angles that facilitate the flow of material and increase separation efficiency,
enabled extraordinarily higher metal recoveries, Multotec reported. The spiral uses no electricity and is easy to maintain, the company reported. The SC25 is an alternative to jigs in the minus 3- to plus 1-mm range. Benefits include increased efficiency and recoveries. The fi rst commercialized order has already been placed, Multotec reported.

More information : http://www.multotec.com

Categories: Mineral - Processing Equipment 

2020-07-14 | Multotec | South Africa | Views 1089

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